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What is Microcement?
Microcement is a VERY thin layer of concrete which can be applied to many different surfaces. It is typically only a few millimetres thick and has a very smooth finish, giving the appearance of polished concrete to whatever it is applied to.
Can I microcement over my concrete floor?
Yes you can. Concrete floors or screeds don't polish up very well so putting a thin layer of microcement over the top is the ideal solution.
Unless the floor is perfectly level and free of pits, cracks, dints etc. we recommend you put a layer of self-levelling compound and fibreglass mesh over the floor first. Then you're good to go!
For more information refer to these instructions - Concrete Floor Preparation.
Can I microcement over my timber floor?
Yes you can. Timber or chipboard floors do have some movement and if you put microcement directly over this, the microcement will crack, so it's important to get the preparation right.
Refer to this document for imber floor preparation.
What maintenance is required?
As part of our microcement kits we provide a sealer. Its very important that the floor is sealed to ensure longevity of the floor.
Once sealed and in service the floor can be cleaned like any other floor.
We recommend re-sealing the floor every 3 to 5 years depending on traffic.
Can it be applied over tiles?
Yes it can. The tiles should be secure and definitely not loose. We recommend applying a layer of fibreglass mesh and self-levelling compound over the floor first. The fibreglass mesh comes in the microcement floor kit.
Microcement Floor Kits


Apply Primer

Apply Microcement Coat 1

Sand Smooth

Apply Microcement Coat 2

Sand Smooth Again

Apply Sealer
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