Project; outdoor counter tops, off white. 1.5m2
I bought all the materials using the online calculator and quote email. I received 5 bags of cast in place, and all other materials were included (fibres and plasticiser) at the right quantities. I’m so pleased I went for the mould release and sealer. As I would likely have a a big problem with getting the edges off and then with keeping water out of the concrete respectively.
Very easy to use, and would highly recommend a bell cement mixer for more than 2 bags. It gets thick and heavy very quickly. Much more so than things like ordinary concrete, mortar or post-crete for example. It self levels exceptionally well and sands easily.
Even with my very limited, troweling experience and average skill with silicone (sealing the mould), I got a great result.
The only thing I would change for the next project would be to make the lip 10mm deeper (I.e. extend it beyond the flat) to 30mm allowing for better air release, and then vibrate the edges once poured. I would also take better care in siliconing as there were some defects - this adds to the rustic nature I feel, but any protrusion will absolutely be picked up as the product is very fine.
I’ll be buying more for another project soon